You’re no longer immune.

The trillion-dollar construction is the new gold mine for cyberattacks, and hackers are coming after business owners who aren’t digitally prepared to secure their accounts and systems.

A leading consultant group for risk mitigation says, “Construction is the industry hit most often by ransomware cyber attackers, according to an analysis of 1,200 companies in 35 different industries by NordLocker, an encryption software firm based in the U.K. and the Netherlands.”

Hackers find small businesses attractive because they’re usually easier to hack into. Larger corporations are desirable because of the considerable revenue they generate. Whether you’re a construction engineering group serving multiple locations or a local building and remodeling service, you are more vulnerable than you think.

Cybercriminals most commonly attack construction companies through email communications, malware, and ransomware. They’ve also seized upon a new means of attack: “siegeware” that targets smart building technology. Another new potential area of vulnerability is job site drones and robotic devices.”

Business owners discover the four most common attacks

Cyberattacks are as varied as types of construction. Knowing how you could be attacked can help you develop a plan to prevent it.

  • Email. Because employees rely on email and text messages for communication, hackers try to phish employees by compromising their electronic messages and gaining access to your servers. The hackers are looking for personal information and access to financial accounts.
  • Malware. Short for malicious software, the malware attempts to gain access to your network and devices to damage and destroy the digital systems that make up the structure of your processes. Hackers use malware to steal identities (employees and clients) and commit fraud.
  • Replacing computers is expensive but easy. Dealing with hackers holding your accounts receivable and the payable hostage is difficult and potentially devastating to your brand and your bottom line.
  • Think of this new cyberattack as the digital version of storming your castle or building in today’s world. Smart building technology has made it possible for a hacker to infiltrate the physical building and your network. Siegeware can also capture your job site drones.

How you can protect your business and the brand you’ve built

Having an increased digital footprint means making your corporation more vulnerable, but business owners can take precautions by establishing a few basic protocols for the workplace:

  • Hire great technical support to protect your construction company
  • Require digital keys to access data.
  • Back up data regularly and have a plan in place for attacks.
  • Train employees on digital protection protocols.
  • Work closely with your IT director to implement technology safety protocols; if you haven’t hired your IT expert yet, talk to a recruiter this week.

No plan is 100% foolproof, but you can reduce the likelihood of becoming a cyberattack victim. Don’t let cyber attacks and hackers destroy what you’ve worked so hard to build by being unprepared and understaffed.