Everyone wants to be the most valuable person in their respective profession. This goal of being an MVP depends on whether you can become a master communicator. The ability to communicate verbally with others helps create trust and relationships within and outside the organization. The ability to make oneself heard and be a skilled listener makes one an able communicator. To become a master communicator, there are some key points to think about:
1: Know How to Communicate – Speaking with intent and confidence makes people pay more attention to your words. Give yourself time and prepare yourself to become a confident public speaker. Think, be descriptive, and hear yourself talk to give your words more value. Also, a successful communicator is an active listener, showing interest and credibility. Even the tone you use helps you gain better control over your emotions, leading to successful interactions.
2: Know When to Communicate – Never miss an opportunity for conversation by being too busy. Be ready to respond or be a conversation starter whenever you get an appropriate opening. The most effective way to learn what invites or pushes people away is to observe and learn from other successful communicators.
3: Be Attentive – Give your full attention when you are talking or listening to someone. Avoid all distractions and put your phone and laptop away. This will make the people you are talking to or listening to feel appreciated. Sometimes it is also beneficial to be attentive to what is not being said, which is possible if you remain mindful.
4: Be Aware of Your Body Language – People can feel your energy when you communicate with them. They make up their minds about you as an easy or difficult person to talk to. Therefore, make sure to give the right non-verbal cues. Do not fold your arms in a defensive action but establish eye contact and smile when talking to your associates.
5: Be Open to Feedback – Don’t be defensive towards constructive criticism, as that is the most effective way to better yourself. Be thankful if someone points out a mistake, and don’t take it personally. This attitude will surely help you become an MVP in your workplace.
A successful communicator is reciprocal and transparent in their dealings. According to Tony Robbins, how we communicate with others and ourselves ultimately determines the quality of our lives.” Thus, to be an MVP in your organization, you will have to be a better communicator!
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